viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

What are the symptoms of anorexia?

In some cases, people with anorexia just start trying to lose some weight or get fit. But the need to eat less, purge or exercise excessively becomes "addictive" and is very difficult to control.

There are some signs that may indicate that a person has anorexia. Anorexics can:

  1. -Lot thinner, become brittle or emaciated
  2. -Obsession with food, food and weight control
  3. -Repeatedly weigh
  4. -Counting or carefully ration food
  5. -Fill with water when they visit a professional to weigh
  6. -Eat only certain foods and avoiding dairy, meat, wheat ... (although many people are allergic to certain foods or are vegetarian)
  7. -Excessive exercise
  8. -Feeling fat / a
  9. -Socially isolated, particularly to avoid meals or celebrations where food is served
  10. -Depressed, feeling energized and often feel cold.

                                        hecho por  Arnoldo Montoya Aguilar     


3 comentarios:

  1. Doing so is very dangerous, a friend had anorexia looked so thin as a rake, but his face was all ugly.

    -Claudia Elena Corrales Garcia

  2. The symptoms of anorexia are very clear lack of appetite


  3. People do not realize that they have lost weight and diseases
    that are causing about it and lack of security matters a lot in this.

