jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

What is anorexia?

Anorexia is a disorder of eating behavior that suppone weight loss caused by the patient himself and leads to a state of starvation. It is characterized by the fear of gaining weight and a distorted and delusional perception of one's body that makes the patient look fat even if its weight is lower than recommended. Thus begins a progressive decrease in weight by fasting and reduced food intake.

Usually it begins with the elimination of carbohydrates, as there is a false belief that fat. Then rejects the fats, proteins and even fluids, leading to cases of extreme dehydration. These drastic measures will be adding other associated behaviors such as the use of diuretics, laxatives, purging, induced vomiting or excessive exercise.It is important to distinguish anorexia from other very frequent but less severe eating disorders. 80 percent of young people go through stages in which worsens their relationship with food and avoid them, which does not indicate any that are developing the disease.

                         hecho por : Claudia Elena Corrales Garcia.


2 comentarios:

  1. My opinion is suffering anorexia needs yuda 2 specialists: dietitian and psychologist both working together to get the person that nutritional imbalance, and besides containment household counting.


  2. My opinion is the Anorexia is a mental illness that can cause death by not eating as it should, it occupies a strong treatment for safety, mentally and emotionally for a person to eat healthily.
